Your Empowerment Congress Southwest Area Neighborhood Development Council needs you!
Did you know Los Angeles is home to the largest grassroots civic engagement system in the nation? Neighborhood Councils are a hyperlocal form of government that works to ensure the City of Los Angeles is responsive to the needs, challenges, and aspirations of YOUR neighborhood. They advocate on important issues like housing, homelessness, development, transportation, public safety, and more. Made up of volunteer elected officials, Neighborhood Councils are your voice in City Hall.
Apply to join the ECSWANDC for a term ending June 30, 2025. Vacant seats are:
- At-Large Area Representative
- Business Representative
- Faith Based Representative
- Organization Representative
- Residential Area 2 Representative
- Residential Area 3 Representative
- Residential Area 5 Representative
- Youth Representative
Click here for the boundary map and seat requirements. Click application to complete and submit to Please submit your application by February 17 for consideration at our next meeting. Plan to attend the next meeting which is on February 20 to introduce yourself!