Community: A social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists.

Community:  A social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists.

The dictionary definition of a community seems to be lacking.  When I consider my definition of a community it goes way beyond Webster’s. 
Our first experience with a community is our own families where we are loved, nurtured and protected.  Learn the necessity of mutual respect and the power of forgiveness.  Watch each other’s back and are always available to lend a helping hand.  Band together to overcome challenges and hold each other up through tough times. 

With those characteristics in mind, some of us can extend the label of community to our circle of friends and co-workers.  But, can we apply it to our neighborhoods?    
Building a healthy, strong and thriving South LA will take investment from every resident.  An investment of time, talent, treasure, courage and hope.  Get to know your neighbors.  Use your skills and volunteer with an organization working to improve South LA.  Become familiar with the businesses in our community and invest in their success.  Become a board member help find ways to make South LA thrive!
What does a healthy, strong and thriving South LA look like to you? 
And, what will you do about it?


General Board Meeting
At the September 16 meeting, we will be welcoming both Senior Lead Officers, Wunderlich and Durant, to discuss the various public safety issues within the South West Neighborhood Council Area.  We will also provide follow-up on the Neighborhood Housing Services event that took place on Saturday, September 7th, report on the Los Angeles Conservation Corp’s progress in cleaning up the business corridors and discuss next steps regarding the proposed Inner City Educational Fund Charter School project.   

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