We have been diligently working on bringing a Farmers Market to our community in 2020 in an effort to improve access to healthy foods. We are excited about the possibilities for 2020 and we look forward to partnering with you on a committee, so let’s get it started!

The Empowerment Congress South West Area Neighborhood Development Council (ECSWANDC) is focused on making a difference in our community through our committees in 2020. This year we welcomed new Board Members as a result of our elections and new members have been getting up to speed and partnering with seasoned members to plant trees, host the Jazz Festival and support the Al Wooten Jr. Youth Center with much needed equipment. ECSWANDC has launched new committees and we invite you to join one or simply attend a meeting to share your opinion and problem solve.

The Education Committee, chaired by Danielle Strickland, meets the third Saturday at 10:30am. They are already hard at work to identify steps ECSWANDC can take to better serve our students.

Planning and Land Use, chaired by TyRon Turner, held a meeting this fall to allow the community to hear from Deep Green Housing regarding their proposed project at Florence and Van Ness and Innovative Housing Opportunities regarding their proposed project at 87th and Western. Attendees were able to ask questions and share concerns. Land Use continues to be a hot topic and we expect to have more developer discussions in 2020 which are your opportunity to shape our neighborhood.

The Policy Committee, chaired by Lonella Enix, is set to launch January 11 and will meet on 2nd Saturdays at Jesse Owens Park. They will consider and make recommendations on how the Council can weigh in on City, County, State and Federal policy issues via Community Impact Statements and letters. This is your opportunity to speak into policies that affect you!

The Executive Committee, chaired by Danielle Strickland, meets on 2nd Wednesdays at St. Andrews and has the important job of setting the agenda for our Board Meetings. This is critical, because the Board can’t discuss or vote on items not on the agenda. If you have an item you would like the Council to take up, you may attend the meeting to suggest it.

The remaining committees are identifying issues and regular meeting schedules and we invite you to reach out to the chairs if you have an item you would like to work on with the committee:

You may also be interested in what is going on in greater South Los Angeles. In this case you would want to attend the South Los Angeles Alliance of Neighborhood Councils on 3rd Thursdays at MLK Recreation Center. All the meetings mentioned her are open to the public and you can find details on our website calendar.

Finally, we will give you a sneak peek into what to expect in our neighborhood this spring. We have been diligently working on bringing a Farmers Market to our community in an effort to improve access to healthy foods.

We are excited about the possibilities for 2020 and we look forward to partnering with you, so let’s get it started!

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