At our September 15th meeting, we will be discussing a couple of issues that have the ability to dramatically affect our community. They are Proposition 47 (The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act of 2014) and the newest idea on how to fix our broken sidewalks.

Note from the Chair,

At our September 15th meeting, we will be discussing a couple of issues that have the ability to dramatically affect our community.  They are Proposition 47 (The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act of 2014) and the newest idea on how to fix our broken sidewalks.

In the 1980’s, our local representatives decided to increase the penalties for low level non-violent crimes.  Petty theft and simple drug possession went from being misdemeanor offenses to felonies.  On Monday, we will be welcoming speakers from Yes on 47 who will be discussing the initiative and why they think it will positively impact our neighborhoods.  We are still searching for an organized No on 47 group in an effort to offer a balanced perspective.

Treasurer, Margaret Peters, will be sharing the newest idea currently in committee on how to fix our broken sidewalks.  It’s the 50/50 Sidewalk Plan.  The city and property owner would each pay 50% of the cost of repairs.  I suspect this idea will be the cause of a great discussion.  It will help us gather information needed to submit a community impact statement, if need be.

Eight months from now we will be going to the polls to elect a new City Councilperson to represent the Great 8th.  Currently, there are 11 candidates that are attempting to qualify to run.  As they do so, we will invite each qualifier to come and speak before our Neighborhood Council.  Currently, none have qualified (200 residents that live within the 8th City Council District must donate to the campaign).

See you on Monday!

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