Board Member Tyron Turner reports that Ralphs will be complete by Memorial Day.
Update May 2017
Board Member TyRon Turner spoke to the Ralphs Store Manager recently and got a brief update on the remodel. The store should be finished by Memorial Day weekend or earlier. Starbucks is on target for its grand opening soon. In speaking to a few store employees and customers he found they were excited about the new store design and location of the fresh produce section.
He reports our next concern needs to be a possible no cruise zone in this area, as that negatively impacts business.
January 2017
We had a great turnout at our January 23, 2017 meeting. We want to thank all of you for showing up with your questions and concerns for Ralphs. The renovation should be complete within 16- 20 weeks.
This is prime example of how coming together can make things happen! So let’s not lose the momentum and use that same energy as a community to get our neighborhoods back!!