Regional Budget Day is your day to partake in the results of the Mayor’s Budget Survey and have face-to-face interaction of the survey results.

What is the purpose of Regional Budget Day?

What if there was a way to express your community needs? What if you could have City representation listen to your needs and concerns, and they were taken into account? What if there were community volunteers, who would advocate in maintaining the funding needed to sustain your communities, as well as maintain the core services we cannot afford to lose? This is the purpose of Regional Budget day.

Regional Budget Day is your day to partake in the results of the Mayor’s Budget Survey and have face-to-face interaction of the survey results. The Los Angeles regions are grouped into four areas:

North/ South Valley,
Central/West Los Angeles,
East/ Northeast Los Angeles and
South Los Angeles/Harbor areas.

This is an area specific event with the primary focus on the results of the survey. Each region is provided with the categorical ranking of regional priorities. You are invited to engage in a collaborative effort on how these results are important to our communities needs. You will get to see first hand the diverse as well as similar budgetary requirements of each region. Find out which regional needs are more affected by reduced spending or increased spending. How does this affect you and what are the consequences? The dedicated voluntary forces of the Neighborhood Councils and the Budget Advocates will host and facilitate open dialog with a selection of City officials from the Chief Administration Office (CAO) and the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. The data collected highlights the needs of your region and your community. We as a group of stakeholders and members of our Neighborhood Councils have the opportunity to express the importance of programs, jobs and services that help best establish healthy communities and become a voice for the communities that are underserved.

The survey is the template for the Budget Advocates to investigate into the managerial and or financial structure to the overall operations of the City. The peer elected group represents you and your communities needs as in programs, services and maintaining jobs from budget cuts. The Budget Advocates, gather the necessary information from the various City departments, entities and our elected officials. Examination of the City’s management and financial structure results in the “White paper” presentation to City Council, authored by the Budget Advocates. These recommendations and solutions have been considered or implemented by City Council.

Most recently, City Council approved a recommendation by the Budget Advocates to create an Inspector General in the CAO’s office as an aid to positive and efficient changes for our City.

The overall goal of Regional Budget Day is to encourage you and your Neighborhood Council in a joint participation to share in the results regarding your input, and have the face to face opportunity between our community leaders and City Officials to really engage with one another regarding your region and communities. We can continue to provide the most critical input of recommendations in sustaining funding, for
the City of Los Angeles.

Please rsvp at and join us on Saturday, March 16th 2013, at 8:30 am – 12:30 pm at these locations:

(Sign in will start at 8:00 am.)


Boyle Heights Technology Youth Center 1600 E. 4th Street
Boyle Heights 90033


Mark Ridley-Thomas Constituent Service Center 8475 S. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles 90044


Saturn Elementary School 5360 Saturn Street Los Angeles 90019


Braude Center 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys 91401

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